View/Edit a player's playing and personality stats, fitness, condition, jadedness, CA/PA, Left/Right Foot, and Reputation.View/Edit a player's Age, value, weight, height, caps and U21 caps, and presets to Heal, Destroy and Unban players.Fully customisable table views that are automatically saved for when you next launch MacAssistant RT19! Customise the search results table columns by choosing from hundreds of different options!.Quicksearch! Never again do you have to fiddle around with the filters when all you looking for is something you know its name.Intuitive user interface, optimised for macOS Mojave.People who want to put MacAssistant RT on other sites, you may link back to this very page but you cannot host any files yourselves. Updated: 24 September 2019 - Added support for FM 19.3.6

It supports Mac OS X 10.9+ and the latest 19.1.5 Steam version of FM2019 and FM Touch 2019. MacAssistant RT19 is a real time scout tool / real time editor for Football Manager 2019.